From Observed Action Identity to Social Affordances



A substantial fraction of neurons in the monkey anterior intraparietal area (AIP) and its human homologue phAIP are selective for observed manipulative actions (OMAs).OMA encode identity actions, up to level semantic representation phAIP.OMA may result from combination two visual signals originating superior temporal sulcus (STS) concerning: (i) body movements: (ii) changes hand/object relationship (action effects).Others’ beyond grasping, be specified parietal territories, underpinning ‘social affordance’ processing selection potential behavioral responses parieto-premotor circuits. Others’ cause continuously changing retinal images, making it challenging build neural representations action identity. The putative (phAIP) host (OMAs). neuronal activity both AIP allows a stable readout OMA across formats, but exhibit greater invariance generalize verbs. These properties stem convergence movements; body–object relationship. 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عنوان ژورنال: Trends in Cognitive Sciences

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['1364-6613', '1879-307X']